Busted Axle Road

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Busted Axle Road
Read this book
Time frameApril 1987 - February 1988
SeriesSpearfish Lake Series
Series number3
RelatedLocations Characters


©1992; Rev. ©2001 ©2007, ©2013.

A snake crawls out of a bathroom drain, and a woman kills it with her hair dryer . . . That's all it takes to set townspeople, media, crooked environmentalists, a country music singer, the federal government and a bunch of dogsledders to getting at each other's throats. Of course, nothing's quite normal in Spearfish Lake!

Note: As of 2013, Wes has re-edited and re-released Busted Axle Road in a 44 chapter version (including as chapter 45 an epilogue set in March 1995 published with chapter 44) instead of 127 chapters.

The old version article is here: Busted Axle Road, 2007 Version.

Mapping chapters between versions version

2007 Version 2013 Version 2007 Version 2013 Version 2007 Version 2013 Version
Chapters 1-4 Chapter 1 Chapters 44-45 Chapter 16 Chapters 90-92 Chapter 31
Chapters 5-8 Chapter 2 Chapter 46-48 Chapter 17 Chapters 93-95 Chapter 32
Chapters 9-11 Chapter 3 Chapters 49-51 Chapter 18 Chapters 96-98 Chapter 33
Chapters 12-14 Chapter 4 Chapters 52-54 Chapter 19 Chapters 99-100 Chapter 34
Chapters 15-18 Chapter 5 Chapters 55-57 Chapter 20 Chapters 101-102 Chapter 35
Chapters 19-20 Chapter 6 Chapters 58-60 Chapter 21 Chapters 103-105 Chapter 36
Chapters 21-23 Chapter 7 Chapters 61-63 Chapter 22 Chapters 106-108 Chapter 37
Chapters 24-25 Chapter 8 Chapters 64-66 Chapter 23 Chapters 109-111 Chapter 38
Chapters 26-28 Chapter 9 Chapters 67-69 Chapter 24 Chapters 112-114 Chapter 39
Chapters 29-31 Chapter 10 Chapters 70-72 Chapter 25 Chapters 115-118 Chapter 40
Chapters 32-33 Chapter 11 Chapters 73-76 Chapter 26 Chapters 119-121 Chapter 41
Chapters 34-35 Chapter 12 Chapters 77-80 Chapter 27 Chapters 122-123 Chapter 42
Chapters 36-39 Chapter 13 Chapters 81-83 Chapter 28 Chapters 124-126 (part) Chapter 43
Chapters 40-42 Chapter 14 Chapters 84-86 Chapter 29 Chapters 126 (part)-127 Chapter 44
Chapter 43 Chapter 15 Chapters 87-89 Chapter 30
