Busted Axle Road Chapter 16

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Busted Axle Road
Chapter 16 of 44
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Time frameJune, 1987
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After the reports of their rescue of Mr Sloat and his wife, Amy & Marsha's parents are a lot happier about them spending time with Josh & Danny, especially after Harry and Dr Brege have talked to them. Josh is surprised when Danny & the girls turn up at his house. They girls talk briefly to Walt & Sarah about Mr. Sloat & his wife, Bud has been to see them in Camden, and they will recover. Danny, Josh & the girls go for a swim at the beach.

Walt wakes Josh with the news that Bud has got the insurance to agree to him and Danny working on the railroad, and that he's working as a brakeman for his father on the run to Kremmling, whilst Bud, Danny and Bill try to put the engine that Ed had torn down back together again.

They have to wait at Warsaw whilst Diane takes a train past on the main line. She and Walt swap news about Ed. Walt & Josh talk a little bit about Amy, but Josh plays things down.

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