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Pepper was driver of the 86 with MMSA. He was roommate of Slab for the first six weeks of the 1950 season, until Slab got beaten up and was left in hospital in Baraboo.BR1-8

Pepper shared a house in Livonia with Chick Novesky, Hattie, Rocky Turnupseed and Mel Austin and worked on the cars over winter 1950/51. He had similar arrangements other winters.

Pepper was one of the MMSA crew invited to Hoss Korodan's wedding in June 1951.

He went on the annual Daytona Beach trip with Carnie Wollett, Frank Blixter, and Vivian Kralick in 1953.BR1-26

When the 53 car was wrecked at Schererville Pepper volunteered with Rocky Turnupseed to drive the wreck back to Herb Kralick Ford in Livonia, Michigan for rebuild.BR1-28

When Frank sold the MMSA to Ron Bush Spud and Dewey and Pepper agreed to go out on the road with this Bush to show him the ropes, so to speak. They left within a month and went down to Indy where they helped Runt and Squirt Chenowith with their cars. He worked as a line mechanic at Frank Blixter Ford until he got hurt real bad. Vivian Kralick took him on as a salesman at Livonia Import Agency.BR2-16

Pepper was one of the MMSA crew who turned out to help Mel Austin clean up the Bradford Speedway when he bought it.BR2-23 On opening day he came along with Dewey Blodgett and his Mini Cooper,BR2-24 and was flagman for Mel and Arlene Austin racing the restored/replica MMSA cars.BR2-27