Hannegan's Cove Chapter 11

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Hannegan's Cove
Chapter 11 of 30
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Time frameJanuary 2004
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Randy decides he has some things to do at Clark Construction that morning and finds himself the first one there. He starts the coffee pot brewing before Regina arrives. They talk a bit about Brent and carrying on without him. Randy explains about the funeral and the employee meeting. Randy declines moving into Brent's large office, instead suggesting they move the drafting department into that room, which will give the draftsmen a lot more space.

Randy returns to his parent's house. Talk with Joel turns to his explanation of his work, reselling groups of mortgages as investment packages. As more family arrived, the kids played on the porch while the men moved to the living room and talk shifted to alternative energy, such as Clark Plywood's pellet plant and the Griswold's use of manure. Joel's short-term vision fails to understand the value of the Clark-owned woods surrounding Spearfish Lake.

Also Mentioned

  • Larry Warner, presumably with Solkow-Warner Construction in Camden, a Clark Construction competitor