Facing the Storm Chapter 39

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Facing the Storm
Chapter 39 of 41
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Time frameSummer 2000
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  • Rachel Conger
  • Jody Aho


It's the first game of the new basketball season and Spearfish Lake fields seven girls in volleyball uniforms.

The Warsaw coach only fields their second string, as nobody takes the Spearfish Lake team seriously. The Warsaw team is down 8-2 before their coach realises that he has a real game on his hands. The game seesaws back and forth but stays reasonably balanced, but the Spearfish Lake girls were getting very tired by the end of the game, when they won at the last gasp, by one point. The girls are completely hyper on the way home, and decide they want to keep the volleyball uniforms.

On the way back Phil is travelling with Josh and Tiffany. He makes a verbal agreement to run the Iditarod, with a real dog team supplied by Josh & Tiffany. He thinks they need to change how they have been doing things, which Josh & Tiffany agree with, but he hadn't want to make any commitments until Brandy had found something to do, and settled down.

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