On the Road Chapter 38

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On the Road
Chapter 38 of 39
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Time frameJuly 1954
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A few days after Ace Wheeler left Frank picked up a local driver named Larry who went with the crew. His thick accent got him the nickname Tex.

The gate was down at a small town in Kansas because some sort of Baptist road show come in and lean on all the churches to turn out everybody for this big revival.

The noise and the dust annoyed the Baptists who were not far away downwind. They tried to stop the racing. Frank tod the guys to make as much noise and dust as possible in the feature. After a couple of laps the drivers couldn't see much and had to be careful not to pile up.

They had to load up and leave town quickly, and didn't stop until they were well iinto the next county. Frank found a state park with a lake where everyone got into the water to start cleaning up.

In Red Cloud, Nebraska on Memorial Day they listened to the radio coverage of the Indianapolis 500. Both Runt and Squirt Chenowith retired fairly earlyin the race.

Mel was getting close to deciding this was his last season with MMSA and was undecided whether to leave at Livonia to look for a teaching job or to stick it out to the end of the season.

They raced in Bradford, Michigan with one date to go before returning to Livonia for the change to fair season. The feature had just got started when Sandy's 69 car got sideways right in front of Mel whogot catapulted over Sandy's car.

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