Disciples of the Savior
The Disciples of the Savior was a conservative Christian church.
Jennlynn Swift's father, Reverend Archibald Swift, was the minister of Disciples of the Savior Church in Bradford.MC26
Sally Hanson's parents were members ff the Disciples of the Savior Church in Bradford until "they got into some kind of an argument with them so they found an even more asinine church in Amherst."LP6
Jeff Waldemer, a missionary, raised money by going to churches, including the Disciples of the Savior in Bradford.MC35
Aaron Lukerbee was a member of the church, and a student at Ball State University.GM20
Bob Spheris's father was a deacon in the Disciples of the Savior Church in Bradford.REU17
Dale's and Dawn's parents were members of Disciples of the Savior and very controlling of their children.REU17