Allen Halifax

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Allen Halifax
Male silhouette.png

Allen Halifax was chief forester for Clark Plywood. He was about ten years older than Randy Clark and had been with Clark Plywood for about five years. He had a master’s degree in forest management and knew his stuff from experience.

Randy was privately of the opinion that Halifax was a likely candidate to be the next in line behind Steve Augsberg to be general manager of Clark Plywood when Ryan Clark retired.

In August 2010 he accompanied Ryan Clark to Turtle Hill to observe the Birdwatcher Hill Fire.BHF11 He spotted the airplane when Clint Bork wanted information about the far side of the fire, which prompted Ryan to call Jackie Gravengood and get an overhead ride to pass information to Clint.BHF14

Al Halifax contracts Sven Stromsen to clear slash after trees have been harvested.OC8 Bork Logging also got Clark Plywood logging contracts through him.OC27

Family Links - or not

There are two other people in Spearfish Lake stories with the surname Halifax. There is no recorded link between them.