Tom Riley

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Tom Riley
Male silhouette.png
Birth date1960
FatherBill Riley
MotherArlene Riley

Tom Riley is the oldest child of Bill and Arlene Riley and brother of Susan and Denis. He is about ten years older than Denis and the difference in age kept them from being close.

Tom started to work for General Hardware as "an assistant shift warden at Wilsonville, outside of Portland, a good place to start out in the company" but was bored and "he'd worked out a deal to get familiar with the transportation problems from the truck driver's viewpoint."GM21 He has been a truck driver for them in the ten years since.

Tom is married to Jane, "a nice enough girl, but a bit plain and dumb."GM21

Tom doesn't try to understand the changes in Eve's life and has refused to speak to her and he still gets along with their parents.GM22