Sims Boat Yard

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Sims Boat Yard was essentially in a swamp on the outskirts of Jacksonville. It was owned by Sid Sims who worked it with his daughter Cordy

One of Ron Lewis's Coastguard buddies suggested Sims as a suitable boatyard for Amanda Lewis to work on the Rag Doll. There are aligators around and It’s cheap, though, and the old boy who runs the place acts like he knows what he’s doing. He does a lot of workboat work, so it’s not exactly a yachtie place, and it is a little junkyDS31

Amanda’s first impression of the place mirrored Ron’s: it was a dump, but on closer inspection she realized that wasn’t quite honest. Weathered and beat-up and run-down, for sure; there was no question about that. There were several abandoned boats or parts of them back in a swampy corner of the property. While there were some boats that were more or less pleasure boats sitting around, either in slips or on cradles, the boats seemed to run more toward work boats of one kind or another. RD6

Adam Caldwell stopped off at Sims Boat Yard to see Amanda Lewis when he trailed the Knick-Knack from Detroit to Florida. He launched Knick-Knack there, leaving the trailer and his pick-up while he sailed south.DS32