Glenn Sprow

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Glenn Sprow
Male silhouette.png
Vanessa SprowF1985

For other persons named Glenn, see Glenn.

Glenn Sprow is a resident of Spearfish Lake. He played football in high school, possibly at the same time as Brandy Evachevski. Glenn is a kayaking customer of Josh Archer and Spearfish Lake Outfitters. He was described as a big guy and close to 300 pounds.FtS9

Glenn has a daughter, Vanessa, that in 2000 is recruited to the high school's girl's basketball team and coached by Brandy. It is possible that Glenn has another older daughter named Amanda Sprow that in 1997 was a witness of the Jason Bailey fight. She was likely a friend of Cindy deLine and Henry McMahon. Amanda would be about 3 years older than Vanessa.AC7