Blue Beauty Chapter 13

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Blue Beauty
Chapter 13 of 36
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Time frameJanuary, 2001
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  • "The airport", probably Kansas City International Airport
  • Montgomery, Alabama
  • Spearfish Lake



Trey is back at college thinking how good the holiday had turned out to be, in spite of the bad start. He decides to go see Dr. Harris to see if there is a course of hers he can take. When he gets there he finds her in tears, as her beloved harp Blue Beauty has been lost by the airline. It turns out to be the same airline that he works for as a baggage handler, so he offers to go find it.

Two days later Randy and Nicole are wondering whether to run down to Kansas to support Myleigh, Trey having disappeared with no word since, and Myleigh is distraught. Then they get a phone call late at night from Myleigh telling them that her Hero Trey has stumbled in with Blue Beauty and fallen asleep straight away.

Real Life Note

The real lost luggage warehouse: It's worth a visit if you are ever in the area.