Janine Warrenton

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Janine Warrenton
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Janine Warrenton was short and slender with shoulder-length black hair. Very shy and with a bad stutter.

"She worked in an office in New York as a market analyst. She was very good at the job and made money enough to maintain a small apartment in Brooklyn, just a short subway ride away from her job. Not surprisingly, she lived alone, and her job was structured so she rarely had to talk with anyone – much of her work was done by e-mail. CCT28

She was a playwright who had never had any of her work performed. She uses her plays to express her feelings because her shyness and stutter make it impossible any other way.CCT27

She was very excited that Meredith VanArnhem was going to perform her Chocolate, Roses and Sex at The Curlew Creek Theater and arranged to be there for its opening weekend.

The interpretation of the play which Brett Wickwire asked Meredith to perform upset Janine so Brett suggested Meredith do her first interpretation as an encore. That interpretation closely fitted Janine's vision. CCT26

She became the girlfriend of Meredith who moved to New York with her before The Curlew Creek Theater season had ended.