Dawnwalker Chapter 10

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Time frameFebruary 1995
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Inside the Nantahala Outdoor Center at Ocoee, Crystal has an enthusiastic chat with the girl behind the counter (Scooter) with terms like OLTA, AT and "gonzo corn" that leaves Randy a bit confused.

All are warmly welcomed at the Surf Shop, with Buddha calling Myleigh Hodad in affection and able to match her flowery language (compare with the same scene in Chapter 10 of Blue Beauty). He also surprises Crystal and Randy with a passable Yooper accent.

Buddha starts Randy's surf lessons while the girls head off to set up camp. During some casual conversation, Myleigh points out to Randy that Crystal is destined to be an outdoor bum, much like Buddha and Giselle. By dinner time, Randy was getting the hang of surfing and Crystal had taken a step up herself on a new, more advanced board.

Trey makes a brief but unnamed appearance when he comes in to buy a surfboard. We will see him again (in just under five years) in Blue Beauty.