Bradford Speedway Chapter 25

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Bradford Speedway
Chapter 25 of 27
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Time frameJuly 1967
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The opening day of kart racing at Bradford Speedway was better attended than expected, and the second Sunday car racing was better than pre-season expectations, and the season continued well.

In early July Mike Goodell and Randall Cockburn from General Hardware Retailers called on Mel and Arlene wanting to buy the Bradford Speedway land. Their initial offer was very good but it took the prospect of a few hundred jobs coming to the town to persuade Mel and Arlene.

Mel and Arlene told Zack and Diane Gorsline about the sale the same evening and looked over Mel's land to see where they could put a track. They decided on a place to put a track for the rest of the season and a better site for a slightly bigger paved track for the next season.

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