Mosquito Valley

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Mosquito Valley is the common name for a frequently referenced fictional Girl Scout camp in southern Michigan. The official name of the camp is never given. Nicole Szczerowski explained the nickname once, "we called it 'Mosquito Valley'. Right by a swamp, and there are billions of them."DW20

Counselors at the camp had little time away during the week, but "We usually run the girls out on a Saturday afternoon and don't have the next batch till Sunday afternoon"DW58

All of the staff use "camp names", especially the counselors as they are in daily contact with the girls, so instead of being Miss Szczerowski, a counselor would be called Marlin.DW50

Nicole Szczerowski first worked as a camp counselor in the summer 1994, right out of High School.DW20 She continued working there every summer until her marriage to Randy Clark.DW39

By 1997 she was doing counselor training, presumably of new counselors.DW51 Because of the grant for her to go to OLTA, she agreed to work 1998, too. "They're sending me so I can learn enough to overhaul the program some this summer -- start moving it away from artsy-craftsy stuff and more into things that people really do."DW57 In the Fall 1998, Nicole stays at camp while Harmony went to OLTA.DW59 She stayed at camp until January 1999DW62

The summer after getting married, Nicole found herself unexpectedly returning. "The camp director, Harmony -- it was a camp name; her real name was Tamara McKimmy, but no one involved with Mosquito Valley ever used it -- was badly injured in a car wreck. She barely survived, and wasn't in any shape to work, so an emergency replacement was needed." Because of Harmony's injury and slow recovery, Nicole ran the entire camp during the summer of 1999 and 2000.BB7