T.J. Wireman

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T.J. Wireman
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T.J. Wireman was a tall, gray-haired man, looking to perhaps be in his sixties.

He was a team boss in the NASCAR CART series with three cars entered for the Indy 500 who helped Ray Austin and Ted Hilyard prepare Ted's turbo Offenhauser powered car to qualify for the Indy 500. He helped with the start-up process leaving Ray in charge as chief mechanic.

When Ted's turbo-charger failed he drove to his own workshop and gave them a spare he would never use, and helped fit it.BR3-28

T.J. Wireman was impressed with Ted Hilyard's drive and driving even though he didn't qualify and asked him to be around for the race in case a relief driver was needed, and to drive a couple of weeks later at Milwaukee.BR3-29

When Ron Keyser disappeared while his car was being repaired following a crash during the race T.J. offered Ted the drive for the reast of the Indy 500. After that he confirmed a drive for the rest of the season.BR3-32

T.J. Wireman was at Bradford Speedway to help with the car for Ted Hilyard's lap record attempt.BR3-35