S. S. Daniels

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S. S. Daniels
Male silhouette.png

Mark and Jackie come across Sylvester Shamus (Jack) Daniels at the Waverly West Soaring Ranch (Colorado) when they stop there in Rocinante.

Jack was described in 1971 thus: "He was a big man, maybe Mark and Jackie’s height, but wider; he looked like he might have been a football lineman." Roc2-11 It was also briefly mentioned that he has a beard and owns a little red Rambler Hornet.

Jack's primary job during the week is as a flight instructor at Greeley Airport in Greeley, Colorado. On weekends he is a glider instructor at Waverly. As a powered airplane instructor, he teaches Jackie Archer and helps her complete her private license.

In 1995, Mark Gravengood is able to rent a Cessna 185 from him so that he, Jackie and others from Spearfish Lake can follow Josh and Tiffany as they run the Idatarod in Alaska.RM17