Matt Wadsworth

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Matt Wadsworth
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Matt Wadsworth was a sophomore member of the Spearfish Lake Marlins football team in 2010.

He was a loudmouth.

Misty Frankovich attempted to use him to make Howie Erikson jealous and get Howie back as her boyfriend.RFW11 She soon got fed up of him and manufactured an incident to dump him.RFW18

He had a part-time job of gassing up boats and cleaning stuff up around the marina.RFW20

Rusty Frankovich sold Matt a truck for a very good price in exchange for storing some property and posibly forwarding it to him in the next couple of years, giving him a lift to the bus station in Camden, and putting up with some hassle from Rusty's mom. Rusty also explained how Misty wanted to use high school boyfriends.RFW20

When Linda Frankovich found him with the truck she reported him to the police for theft. Charlie Wexler told her the sale was legal. Charlie warned Matt not to try a run to buy beer from Lame Badger on the Three Pines reservation.RFW21

Over the summer after Misty dumped him he took up with Charlotte Ward.RFW28