Jerome Weilfahrt

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Jerome Weilfahrt
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Jerome Weilfahrt was appointed Spearfish Lake High School football coach in 2002SU10.

He was not effective as coach. He didn't require any preparation before practice started and didn't exercise much discipline over the players. Opinion about him on the school board was split.SU10 SU20

Under Jerome Weilfahrt's coaching the team had recorded three successive two-and-seven seasons by the end of the 2004 season.SU27 The record was similar the next five seasons.

In June 2010 there was a strong feeling that Weilfahrt had to go before the football team could get any better.

Between Weilfahrt and Payne [high school principal], all too many of the football players have turned into bullies with no fear of discipline since they knew it wasn’t going to happen.BOF2

In August 2010 he seems to have realised that some players bullying the rest didn't make a team.BITH45

When Bryson Payne resigned in a hurry early in August 2010 and was replaced as principal and athletic director by Brandy Wine one of her first actions was to sack Weilfahrt.BOF23