Talk:Jennlynn Swift

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How did Jennlynn get into prostitution

We pretty much know from Magic Carpet that Jennlynn started prostitution to pay for college.

However, this implies different timing and motivation:

"Jennlynn," Jon piped up. "Can I ask just how in the hell you wound up working in a cathouse?"

"Pretty straightforward," Jennlynn smiled. "I like sex. I used to sleep around a lot when I was in college, mostly because I wanted to party with a lot of different men. It was kind of a hassle and could get dangerous. [Jenn skips a couple of years] After I came here, it caused me some problems. Stan got me off to the side one day. I'll give you one guess what he said."

"Break the paradigm?" Tanisha smiled, shaking her head.

"You got it," Jennlynn laughed. "He pointed out that I might as well kill a number of birds with one stone. I only work in the house in Antelope Valley, and not in Arizona at all, so it's perfectly legal. It's a heck of a lot simpler, and a heck of a lot safer, since we always use barriers and condoms, get regular checkups, have bouncers on the place, and like that. I get as much as I want, and it keeps my Cessna twin in payments and aviation gas. That's my other passion. It's no secret around here what I do, and anyone from the company who wants to come visit me up there is welcome."MC22

Is this a continuity issue, or was Jennlynn simplifying the story at the time?--Samuelmichaels 13:05, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

You have to remember that I wrote this before Magic Carpet. Looking back on it, I take the position that Jennlynn was just simplifying the normally complicated story for the sake of strangers. It probably wasn't the first time that she'd done it when the question came up. Jon and Tanisha would have to be a lot closer to her before they get the full details -- or would be interested in them. They're shocked enough as it is. --Wes 13:27, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

Works for me. I can see Jennlynn simplifying the story for acquaintances. And while she is not ashamed of being a prostitute, she is still bitter about her parents throwing her out, so I can see her not wanting to start that explanation in a casual conversation. And it's not like she lied — she just skipped a couple of years :-)--Samuelmichaels 14:40, 22 September 2011 (UTC)