Talk:E.J. Seasprunk

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teppentine or terpentine?

I noticed this when I spotted my typo and had a think. I decided not to change it. Here is my logic. Your mileage may vary. and while it is obviously terpentine, in Twillingate dialect it is teppentine (there is a discussion on ths in Rocinante) so technically he is a teppentine worker...

But this is a tricky one - and actually as I write this I'm slowly being drawn to:

"His father, a teppentine worker (local Florida dialect for terpentine), had run off before he was born." says that the correct spelling is turpentine, which is what I remember reading on the last can I had a few years back. I remember seeing that teppentine is dialect for the same product.

In Rocinante 2-6 we see "Oh, turpentine," Jackie said. "The word kept getting lost in the accent. ...."

--Kilobytemangler 17:15, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

You make a good point... and I was going to find the direct quote if I changed it... I like to think I would have noticed... (I hope!)

Perhaps it should read

"His father, a teppentine worker (teppentine is the local Florida dialect for turpentine REFERENCE HERE), had run off before he was born. AND PROBABLY REFERENCE HERE TOO"

--Mallory 23:56, 27 February 2011 (UTC)