Barbie Tompkins

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Barbie Tompkins
Female silhouette.png

For other persons named Barbie or Barbara, see Barbara.

Barbie Tompkins, an experienced boatman with Canyon Tours. She had been a swamper for two seasons before being promoted to boatman for the 2001 season.

She was a chunky girl, with short brown hair, but what looked like fat was actually pretty well muscled. Barbie was careful, not without a touch of cowboy like the three guys tended to be ....RR50

Unlike her coworkers Crystal Chladek or Scooter, she doesn't see herself staying in the business long-term. "I could see doing it for a few years, but I don't think that long, though. I mean, I'd kind of like to get married or something, sometime."CF4

She was trained to be a trip leader by Duane MacRae during the 2004 season and ran the last trip of the season as leader when Duane got a park ranger job.INTA26